📅 Upcoming Webinar: Building Performant AI Applications with NVIDIA NIMs and Haystack

Haystack 2.4.0


🙌 Local LLMs and custom generation parameters in evaluation

The new api_params init parameter added to LLM-based evaluators such as ContextRelevanceEvaluator and FaithfulnessEvaluator can be used to pass in supported OpenAIGenerator parameters, allowing for custom generation parameters (via generation_kwargs) and local LLM support (via api_base_url).

📝 New Joiner

New AnswerJoiner component to combine multiple lists of Answers.

⬆️ Upgrade Notes

  • The ContextRelevanceEvaluator now returns a list of relevant sentences for each context, instead of all the sentences in a context. Also, a score of 1 is now returned if a relevant sentence is found, and 0 otherwise.
  • Removed the deprecated DynamicPromptBuilder and DynamicChatPromptBuilder components. Use PromptBuilder and ChatPromptBuilder instead.
  • OutputAdapter and ConditionalRouter can’t return users inputs anymore.
  • Multiplexer is removed and users should switch to BranchJoiner instead.
  • Removed deprecated init parameters extractor_type and try_others from HTMLToDocument.
  • SentenceWindowRetrieval component has been renamed to SenetenceWindowRetriever.
  • The serialize_callback_handler and deserialize_callback_handler utility functions have been removed. Use serialize_callable and deserialize_callable instead. For more information on serialize_callable and deserialize_callable, see the API reference: https://docs.haystack.deepset.ai/reference/utils-api#module-callable_serialization

🚀 New Features

  • LLM based evaluators can pass in supported OpenAIGenerator parameters via api_params. This allows for custom generation_kwargs, changing the api_base_url (for local evaluation), and all other supported parameters as described in the OpenAIGenerator docs.
  • Introduced a new AnswerJoiner component that allows joining multiple lists of Answers into a single list using the Concatenate join mode.
  • Add truncate_dim parameter to Sentence Transformers Embedders, which allows truncating embeddings. Especially useful for models trained with Matryoshka Representation Learning.
  • Add precision parameter to Sentence Transformers Embedders, which allows quantized embeddings. Especially useful for reducing the size of the embeddings of a corpus for semantic search, among other tasks.

⚡️ Enhancement Notes

  • Adds model_kwargs and tokenizer_kwargs to the components TransformersSimilarityRanker, SentenceTransformersDocumentEmbedder, SentenceTransformersTextEmbedder. This allows passing things like model_max_length or torch_dtype for better management of model inference.
  • Added unicode_normalization parameter to the DocumentCleaner, allowing to normalize the text to NFC, NFD, NFKC, or NFKD.
  • Added ascii_only parameter to the DocumentCleaner, transforming letters with diacritics to their ASCII equivalent and removing other non-ASCII characters.
  • Improved error messages for deserialization errors.
  • TikaDocumentConverter now returns page breaks (“f”) in the output. This only works for PDF files.
  • Enhanced filter application logic to support merging of filters. It facilitates more precise retrieval filtering, allowing for both init and runtime complex filter combinations with logical operators. For more details see https://docs.haystack.deepset.ai/docs/metadata-filtering
  • The streaming_callback parameter can be passed to OpenAIGenerator and OpenAIChatGenerator during pipeline run. This prevents the need to recreate pipelines for streaming callbacks.
  • Add max_retries and timeout parameters to the AzureOpenAIChatGenerator initializations.
  • Document Python 3.11 and 3.12 support in project configuration.
  • Refactor DocumentJoiner to use enum pattern for the ‘join_mode’ parameter instead of bare string.
  • Add max_retries, timeout parameters to the AzureOpenAIDocumentEmbedder initialization.
  • Add max_retries and timeout parameters to the AzureOpenAITextEmbedder initializations.
  • Introduce an utility function to deserialize a generic Document Store from the init_parameters of a serialized component.

⚠️ Deprecation Notes

  • Haystack 1.x legacy filters are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use the new filter style as described in the documentation - https://docs.haystack.deepset.ai/docs/metadata-filtering
  • Deprecate the method to_openai_format of the ChatMessage dataclass. This method was never intended to be public and was only used internally. Now, each Chat Generator will know internally how to convert the messages to the format of their specific provider.
  • Deprecate the unused debug parameter in the Pipeline.run method.
  • SentenceWindowRetrieval is deprecated and will be removed in future. Use SentenceWindowRetriever instead.

Security Notes

  • Fix issue that could lead to remote code execution when using insecure Jinja template in the following Components:

    • PromptBuilder
    • hatPromptBuilder
    • OutputAdapter
    • onditionalRouter

    The same issue has been fixed in the PipelineTemplate class too.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix ChatPromptBuilder from_dict method when template value is None.
  • Fix the DocumentCleaner removing the f tag from content preventing from counting page number (by Splitter for example).
  • The DocumentSplitter was incorrectly calculating the split_start_idx and split_overlap information due to slight miscalculations of appropriate indices. This fixes those so the split_start_idx and split_overlap information is correct.
  • Fix bug in Pipeline.run() executing Components in a wrong and unexpected order
  • Encoding of HTML files in LinkContentFetcher
  • Fix Output Adapter from_dict method when custom_filters value is None.
  • Prevent Pipeline.from_dict from modifying the dictionary parameter passed to it.
  • Fix a bug in Pipeline.run() that would cause it to get stuck in an infinite loop and never return. This was caused by Components waiting forever for their inputs when parts of the Pipeline graph are skipped cause of a “decision” Component not returning outputs for that side of the Pipeline.
  • This updates the components, TransformersSimilarityRanker, SentenceTransformersDiversityRanker, SentenceTransformersTextEmbedder, SentenceTransformersDocumentEmbedder and LocalWhisperTranscriber from_dict methods to work when loading with init_parameters only containing required parameters.
  • Pins structlog to <= 24.2.0 to avoid some unit test failures. This is a temporary fix until we can upgrade tests to a newer versions of structlog.
  • Correctly expose PPTXToDocument component in haystack namespace.
  • Fix TransformersZeroShotTextRouter and TransformersTextRouter from_dict methods to work when init_parameters only contain required variables.
  • For components that support multiple Document Stores, prioritize using the specific from_dict class method for deserialization when available. Otherwise, fall back to the generic default_from_dict method. This impacts the following generic components: acheChecker, DocumentWriter, FilterRetriever, and SentenceWindowRetriever.